Tuesday, November 27, 2007

What I Did To Pay It Forward

The First thing I did to pay it forward was, I Helped My mom with the thanksgiving dinner and baked cookies and brownies for desert. She was very happy when I helped her with the dinner and everybody seemed to like all the food especially my brownies. Well I hope my mom will be able to pay it forward to somebody else, so that eventually many people would be doing good deeds all around the world.
The second way I payed it forward was I picked up trash around are whole school, during my break. Me and my friend Alec picked up trash and hope that everybody would do the same. I hope the janitor saw too, because then he would realizes where trying to help him out by picking up after ourselves, so that we can make his job easier for him.
The third way I payed it forward was that I babysitted my aunts triplets. I needed a lot of patience because they where crazy, and wanted to play power rangers with me and I a was the bad guy and got beat up.. Although it was fun it was hard but I was able to make it alive and was able to tell my aunt what it meant to pay it forward and hope she will be able to do it.